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- Métropole européenne de Lille
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- Culture and Entertainment
Culture and entertainment
Since the Lille European Culture Capital event in 2004, the Lille Metropole area has enjoyed a particularly wide-ranging cultural offer. The organisation of largescale exhibitions, festive and friendly events is made possible thanks to Lille 3000, which sets the cultural pace.
The City Pass card
Valid for 24, 48 or 72 consecutive hours, depending on the duration chosen, this contactless City Pass is your guide.
- Access to venues: The City Pass will be activated at the first use in any place listed in the offer. Simply show the City Pass at the entrance of the venues mentioned in the booklet to get free access (1 entry per venue). More information at: www.lilletourism.com.
- Public transport: A travel pass is included in the card. It is activated on the first time you use it on public transport (bus, métro, tramway + regional trains for the 72 hr pass). More information at: www.transpole.fr.
Leisure in the Lille Metropole area
To find information about the cultural and sport activities in the Lille Metropole area check "a newscomer's guide to Lille".
Tourist information
You can find all tourist offices of the metropolis on the map below.
Guide des nouveaux arrivants
Mutation ou projet personnel, la Métropole Européenne de Lille, vous accueille. Vous êtes nouvel arrivant sur la métropole, ce guide vous est dédié.
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