Votre quotidien
3 résultats
The most frequent searches :
- Métropole européenne de Lille
- Your daily
- Your professionnal activity
Your professional activity
The Lille Metropole area is a stimulating ecosystem: it is the leading area in the regions in terms of foreign direct investments. Third leading French economic region, it is also the youngest in France. The European Metropolis of Lille can support you in your job searches, professional training, business creation, ect.
Find a job
There are useful partners which can help you find a job:
- The Hauts-de-France public employment agency can help you to look for a job, a professional training or to create your company. To find your nearest public employment agency, go to: www.pole-emploi.fr (rubrique click on: «votre pôle emploi»).
- Recruitment consultancy firms can advise the client company on its recruitment strategy and supporting job seekers in his employment search. You can find the list of all the recruitment agencies operating in the Lille Metropole area and members of SYNTEC online at: www.syntec-recrutement.org.
- Temporary work agencies employ staff who are paid in return for pre-defined skills or expertise. These employees are available to companies that in turn are customers of temporary agencies. More information at: www.prismemploi.eu.
Create and develop your business
The Lille Metropole area has an extremely dynamic entrepreneurial policy and is the site of the highest concentration of organisations providing business creation support in France.
I’m starting my own business in the Lille Metropole area: www.jecree.fr.
I’m innovating in the Lille Metropole area: www.jinnove.fr.
If you need more information about how to find support and advice, how to financing your project, where to place your business and anything else you can refer to "a newcomer's guide to Lille".
Career fairs
Career fairs are organised every year in the Lille Metropole, these are special opportunities to meet entrepreneurs in the Hauts-de-France region, to discover the latest innovations...:
- Fair dedicated to mini companies, presentation of mini-companies created by students with their teachers,
- Salon créer - Business Power is the main event and meeting place for entrepreneurs in the Hauts-de-France region. More information at: www.saloncreer.com.
- Salon VAD Conext dedicated to E-commerce. More information at: www.vadconext.com.
- High Digital Forum dedicated to innovation and digital performance. More information at: www.high-digital-forum.com.
Your professional training
Whether this concerns basic adaptation or an in-depth refresher course, training is often necessary before considering or reconsidering one’s professional life. To have more information on the institutional partners and private organisations you can refer to "a newcomer's guide to Lille".
Guide des nouveaux arrivants
Mutation ou projet personnel, la Métropole Européenne de Lille, vous accueille. Vous êtes nouvel arrivant sur la métropole, ce guide vous est dédié.
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