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Naturalist walk: marathon'Bird

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  • Visite - Balade
  • Espaces Naturels Métropolitains

42 kilometers, a joke for the migrants. Wish good luck to these great athletes who leave for a journey of several thousand kilometers.
Appointment: 14h – Parking rue du Maréchal Foch in Fretin
Duration: 2h

Naturalist walk: marathon'Bird


Dates and hours
Sunday 13 October, 14:00
  • October 2024
    Sunday 13
    14:00 - 16:00
Location accessibility
No accessibility info

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    Développement durable
    Wednesday 24 July, 10:00
    Ecole Rostand
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    Wednesday 24 July, 10:30
    Ferme Pédagogique Marcel Dhénin
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