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Naturalist walk: lose not the North, initiation to orientation

  • MEL event
  • Atelier
  • Braderie - Brocante
  • Cinéma
  • Conférence - Rencontre
  • Exposition
  • Fête - Festival
  • Musique
  • Théâtre
  • Visite - Balade
  • Espaces Naturels Métropolitains

Feel like sports immersed in nature? Learn to orient yourself, observe the environment around us and then dare to hike in nature, go on an adventure… this is what we propose to you during an introduction to the use of the compass, the reading of plan and the follow-up of a small course in nature mixing orientation and discoveries.
Appointment: 10am – Urban park – 12, rue du Château d'Isenghien, Lomme
Duration: 2h
Public: from 8 years

Naturalist walk: lose not the North, initiation to orientation


Dates and hours
Friday 23 August, 10:00
  • August 2024
    Friday 23
    10:00 - 12:00
Location accessibility
No accessibility info

Our events

  • Event details
    Développement durable
    Saturday 20 July, 09:00
    Parc de la Citadelle
  • Event details
    Développement durable
    20 July and 30 August
    Ferme Pédagogique Marcel Dhénin
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