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FANFAÉROBIC: (Sunday sports band but every other weekend)

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FANFAÉROBIC: (Sunday sports band but every other weekend)
Hits to be fit: put on the leggings, put on your sneakers: For you and just for you, Véroniquée Davinasse will come with their coaches to chain you on a cardio session the monumental tubes that smell good under the armpits and sweat the joy of living! LYCRA IS NOT DEAD!
Free, without reservation, at 4:30 pm and 5:45 pm

FANFAÉROBIC: (Sunday sports band but every other weekend)


Dates and hours
Sunday 7 July, 16:30, 17:45
  • July 2024
    Sunday 07
    16:30 - 17:00
    17:45 - 18:15
Location accessibility
Motor impairment

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