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Association Fair 2024

  • MEL event
  • Atelier
  • Fête - Festival

Come and discover the associative wealth of Villeneuve d'Ascq on Sunday, September 15, 2024! The 41st edition of the Foire aux Associations, under the theme «La Vie Culturelle Villeneuvoise», will be held on Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 13:30 to 18:00 at the Palacium sports complex, located Avenue du Pont de Bois, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq. This annual event, which has become a must, offers free access for all.

Programme of the Day

1.30 pm: Open to the public

  • Demonstrations, animations and interactive stands will welcome you as soon as the doors open.
    15h30: Spotlight on associations and volunteers
  • A special ceremony to thank and celebrate the work of the many associations and their volunteers.
    pm: Closing of the event
  • A beautiful end of the day after an afternoon full of discoveries and exchanges.

What the Fair has in store for you

  • More than 130 stands distributed by poles (Culture, Health, Sport) to discover the diversity of local associations.
  • Cultural and sports activities: Learn about activities such as badminton, dances, board games, martial arts and much more.
  • Initiation to laser shooting, a fun time for young and old.
  • Play area for children: pony rides and horse-drawn carriage.
  • Catering area: enjoy local specialties at the chip shop and the refreshment bar.
  • Free and guarded bike parking: come safely with your bike.
  • Space «Mobility»: bring your used bike and ReCycle me will give it a new life ( atelier 06 27 67 27 42).
  • Espace «Ville Nourricière»: discover the initiatives of Sustainable Development associations.
  • Animations and exhibitions in connection with the launch of the cultural year 2025.
    On outdoor spaces
  • Musical and dance performances to liven up the afternoon.
  • Catering area with small refreshment provided by the association Genêts en Fête.
  • Various sports demonstrations for all ages.
  • Pony and carriage rides.
  • Sustainable Development Pole with several associations present to discuss their projects and initiatives.

Practical information

  • Open to the public: from 13:30 to 18:00
  • Location: Palacium Sports Complex, with entrances avenue du Pont de Bois and rue Breughel.
  • Access: Easily accessible by metro, Metro stop Pont de Bois. Parking S5 available Avenue de la Chatellenie.
  • The Fair of Associations is an eco-event with waste sorting and free guarded bike parking. Do not miss this festive event and come to discover and participate in the associative life of Villeneuve d'Ascq!
    Information: Service Démocratie Locale-Vie Associative, 10 chaussée de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, tel.: 03 20 43 50 05
Association Fair 2024


Dates and hours
Sunday 15 September, 13:30
  • September 2024
    Sunday 15
    13:30 - 18:00
Free admission
2 Rue Breughel, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Location accessibility
Intellectual impairment
Hearing impairment
Visual impairment
Motor impairment

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