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Ludimômes: a festival of board games for families

  • MEL event
  • Atelier
  • Braderie - Brocante
  • Cinéma
  • Conférence - Rencontre
  • Exposition
  • Fête - Festival
  • Musique
  • Théâtre
  • Visite - Balade
  • Jeux Olympiques 2024

For this 2nd edition we revisit the famous fable of the Hare and the Turtle: racing games, surprises and amazing shows. There’s no point in running, but take advantage of it!
The Olympiads _The Dice Bag Company_Game from 5 years Grass ski race, cube fishing contest, jumping puddle race, roller race compressors, wheelbarrow race, click ball babyfoot contest, frog game contest... show skill, speed, cooperation or malice to win the first prize! Giant wooden games in free access all day.
10:30 am - 6:30 pm, contest from 2:30 pm
Tête-Art _The Balloon Company!_Street art from 18 months Inspired by the tadpole men, the first human figure designed by a child, this show-route invites you to (re)live the joy, simple and playful, of the first drawings.
45 min
60 seats
Registration on the online ticket office or on site
The vertigo of the back _L'Envolée Cirque_Circus + Magic from 3 years Enter a world where liquids metamorphose, weights lighten up to take flight, bodies float and bullets escape their usual trajectories. Do not rely on appearances, in this playful cosmos even the fall will be upside down!
3:00 / 5:00 pm
30 min
Mosaïc opening: 10 am - 7 pm. Last access at 6 pm

Ludimômes: a festival of board games for families


Dates and hours
Sunday 25 August, 10:30
  • August 2024
    Sunday 25
    10:30 - 19:00
Free for children under 12 / 6 € / 4 € / 17 € tribe Games, entertainment and shows included in the entrance fee.
Location accessibility
Intellectual impairment
Hearing impairment
Visual impairment
Psychic impairment
Motor impairment

Our events

  • Event details
    Visite - Balade
    Saturday 20 July, 15:00
    Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse
  • Event details
    Saturday 20 July, 10:00
    Médiathèque Le Fil
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