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"Survival and prehistoric techniques"

  • MEL event
  • Atelier
  • Braderie - Brocante
  • Cérémonie
  • Cinéma
  • Conférence - Rencontre
  • Conseil Municipal
  • Danse
  • Développement durable
  • Emploi
  • Exposition
  • Fête - Festival
  • Formation
  • Lecture
  • Mode
  • Musique
  • Réunion publique
  • Santé
  • Spectacle
  • Sport
  • Théâtre
  • Visite - Balade
  • Aucune catégorie

Tame the know-how that made the daily life of our ancestors. Light a fire with wood or stones, shape the clay to change it into ceramic, spot and learn how to use common plants, cook over a wood fire in an earthen pot. On registration on 03 20 47 21 99. Plan the picnic for lunch.

"Survival and prehistoric techniques"


Dates and hours
11 and 12 July
  • July 2024
    Thursday 11
    09:30 - 12:30
    13:30 - 16:30
    Friday 12
    09:30 - 12:30
    13:30 - 16:30
€40/ €32 for 2 days
rue Carpeaux 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
59491 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Location accessibility
No accessibility info

Our events

  • Event details
    Développement durable
    Thursday 11 July, 15:00
    Square Ada Lovelace
  • Event details
    Thursday 11 July, 18:30
    Chemin du Bazinghien
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