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Theater, Match-show "Starting block" // Collective These Girls There

  • MEL event
  • Aucune catégorie
  • Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

Starting-Block is the story of athletes who have done extraordinary things. Women who fight and triumph. It is a match-show with women who speak in chorus; 6 actresses who tell you stories of female athletes who dared and who still dare: running the Boston marathon while it is forbidden to women, surf at night because beaches are forbidden to them during the day… With Starting-block, the Collective Ces Filles-Là does not give up and points out the unfair rules of the game and knocks out gender inequalities!

Theater, Match-show "Starting block" // Collective These Girls There


Dates and hours
Sunday 22 September, 17:00
  • September 2024
    Sunday 22
    17:00 - 18:30
Everyone from 10 years old
Location accessibility
Hearing impairment
Motor impairment

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