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An Escape Game in the streets of Lille

  • MEL event
  • Visite - Balade
  • Aucune catégorie
  • Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

Operation Heritage: Undercover investigation Follow in the footsteps of journalists to find a missing artifact
In our beautiful city of Lille, secrets govern behind the scenes and a team of seasoned journalists has discovered the existence of a global conspiracy against John Doe, the independent spy agency. Their observation is conclusive: we were infiltrated by a double agent who took advantage of his status to steal a historical artifact of great value.
Unfortunately, after issuing the alert, the team conducting the investigation was abducted by the officer in question. It is up to you to finish their investigative work to discover the identity of the traitor who is hiding among us and find them.
All we have is an investigation book gathering evidence of this conspiracy. It seems that clues have been scattered in the city by a mysterious unknown allowing to lift the veil on this mystery.
All members of John Doe being suspects, you join the Voice of the North teams to carry out this mission. Roam the city, solve the puzzles, find the artifact and try to save the missing journalists.
Departure: Meeting at our booth - Grand' Place Duration: 60 min Organizer: John Doe Escape Game and La Voix du Nord Registration:

An Escape Game in the streets of Lille


Dates and hours
21 and 22 September
  • September 2024
    Saturday 21
    10:00 - 18:00
    Sunday 22
    10:00 - 18:00
Location accessibility
Hearing impairment
Motor impairment