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Green by Nature: my vermiricomposter

  • MEL event
  • Visite - Balade
  • Espaces Naturels Métropolitains

Make your vermicomposter with Compost and Nature and discover true Olympic gold medallists in waste recovery: compost worms. On your marks, ready, compost!
Since 1 January 2024, in accordance with European law and the 2020 anti-scratch law, biowaste sorting is widespread and concerns all professionals and individuals. Good for the planet, this measure significantly reduces the amount of waste sent to incineration and therefore reduces greenhouse gas emissions. But how to do when your exterior is reduced or when you live in an apartment? A solution: the vermiricomposter!
With Compost and Nature, (re)learn the basics of compost and discover the Olympic performances of gold medallists in waste recovery, compost worms! In a DIY workshop, make your vermicomposter, understand how it works and leave with your worms. So, ready to compost? 1, 2, 3 leave! Appointment: 9:30 am
Good to know: Workshop limited to 1 worm per family/ tribe. 1 ticket purchased = 1 lombricomposteur Ticketing on or at the reception
Duration: 2 hours
Price: 4 € / 3 €
From 12 years
The site is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact the team for more details about the accessibility of the shows/ animations.

Green by Nature: my vermiricomposter


Dates and hours
Saturday 14 September, 09:30
  • September 2024
    Saturday 14
    09:30 - 11:30
€4/ €3 - Tickets on or at the reception
Location accessibility
Motor impairment

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